Tech Industry
LA, San Francisco Where
65 Attendees

Never Say No

Executive Experiences


Provide an educational and innovative custom experience.


Our client wanted to host a perfectly executed event with knockout impact and high touch details, on just two months’ notice. Oh, also, the entire event and all the attendees had to travel to three cities in three days. And the content and partnering venues would require countless agenda changes on the fly.


With the ambitious vision of providing a virtual reality education immersion to a large team of high-powered executives, our client gave us just 60 days to plan and execute the event. Every variable was in flux, from the number of attendees to the venues in each city where events would be held.

One thing we did have going for us was our long-standing relationship with the client. We were able to anticipate many of his needs and requests, often even before he did. The other thing we had going for us? Pure tenacity. From the moment the contract was signed, our motto became “Never Say No.”

That meant searching out donated and rented jets and pilots to move the attendees around – and working with local airports on short notice. We chased down helicopters and motorcoaches, negotiated in and out of hotel and transport contracts, researched every tech conference in the world surrounding the program dates and worked with over 25 vendors and partners. We wrangled every detail, down to our client’s partiality to Alaskan salmon and organic, grass-fed beef.

With our well-allocated staff, vast partner network, deep industry experience and sheer determination, we brought it all together, successfully merging complex logistics and a constant flow of ideas.  The attendees experienced a flawless event, and our client’s virtual reality vision became real.

Racing drones in San Francisco.

Racing drones in San Francisco.

Attendees  experience the immersive affects of virtual and augmented realities.

Attendees experience the immersive affects of virtual and augmented realities.

Like what you see? Let's connnect!


  • Pursuing our client’s request to ‘do something fun with racing,’ led to first vetting Nascar, then yachting and finally landing on Drone Racing at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, complete with custom made drone race tracks and a personalized experience for the group.
  • “Never Say No” also meant pinning down details on a last-minute opportunity for an AR and VR tour at Fox Studios, and a surprise visit from Pharrell Williams to boot. And it meant managing the logistics of dinner reservations in some of the hottest restaurant towns in the country – for 65 people.


  • Strategic sourcing & contract negotiation
  • Budget management & final reconciliation
  • Vendor selection & contracting
  • Food & beverage planning
  • Air travel & ground transportation
  • Registration & technology solutions
  • VIP programs
  • Speakers management
  • Entertainment & talent