Moderator Training Boot Camp

Our client knew they needed moderators to manage the flow of live sessions for their multi-day, 12,000-person digital worldwide sales kickoff. We developed a training program for our Event Staff to prepare them to moderate 232 live sessions over 2 days. 

Moderator Training Boot Camp

While our event staff have plenty of on-site experience, digital events were a new skill for many. Over the course of five weeks, they attended a series of moderator training sessions and “office hours” where they learned their roles and responsibilities, platform capabilities, and practiced introductions, chat moderating, facilitating questions, and closing sessions. Moderators were also coached on using inclusive language to ensure all attendees felt welcome.

By the end of the training sessions, staff were confident and fully prepared for their moderator duties. And it showed! Speakers and our client were thrilled with how smoothly the live sessions went.

Moderator Responsibilities

Moderators joined each session before start time to ensure the speaker had access to everything they needed, that all the functionalities of the platform were working, and then started admitting attendees.

Once attendees joined the session, the moderator welcomed and introduced the speaker. Throughout the session, they provided a countdown to notify the speaker of how much time was left, monitored the chat and questions, and facilitated attendee engagement, and closed the session once time was up.

Session moderators made the live sessions feel more formal and gave an elevated level of service while taking pressure off speakers to keep track of the chat and technology aspects during their presentation.

Interested in having moderators for your next digital events? Our team is trained and standing by! Let’s connect on how we can make your next event extraordinary.

By The Numbers